Monday, April 1, 2013

Result are in!!!

13 13 13!!!!
Again, this year we got another 13 students in the Sheridan animation program!!  Congrats to all 13 students and hope they do well in the program. All students worked really really hard on the portfolios. All the long nite at the studio and working through Christmas and holiday, hope all of you learn alot about yourself and carry that forward. Portfolio is only the easy part, have fun in the program and never stop drawing!! I will post the group shot later :)

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

All finish!!

Classes are all done for 2013. All students did really really well and learn a lot in the past couples months!!! It was intense at the end with all the 12 hour classes and the 20 hours class at the last day. Love all the passion for animation from each one of you. Thats the most important thing you need to be an animator. The passion.Now its over, keep drawing and be ready for bigger things ahead of you.

Below are just some photos of us drawing at the zoo: